SizeChina: a New 3D Design Tool

SizeChina is developing a 3D design tool that aims to provide designers access to 3D head shape model of Chinese population during the product design process. Its intended users are engineers, designers, scientists and students studying in those fields.

Typical design applications would include: optical products and eyewear, sports and protective helmets, surgical facemasks, oxygen masks and headphones. The software creates a 3D underlay or layer on top of which any product can be designed.

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Visit our Youtube page and tell us what you think about our new 3D design tool!

SizeChina: Integrating 3D head scan into product design

These screenshots are taken from our experiment in creating a realistic rendering of a glass frame fitted onto a 3D head model. The head model was scanned at our very own SizeChina lab. We have created a video that demonstrates the product-and-head assembling and rendering process in Rhino3D and Hypershot.

When you design a product that fits on the human body, how do you take product fitting into consideration? What software would you use? How do you achieve a realistic look for others to evaluate your design?

Let us know your thoughts!

2nd Call for Papers: Doctoral Education in Design Conference — Practice, Knowledge, Vision (Hong Kong 22 May to 25 May, 2011)

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Join us in Hong Kong for a conference organized by the School of Design of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Faculty of Design of Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne).

It has been several years since the last comprehensive conference on doctoral education in design and the time has come to survey progress in the field. We invite the world design research community and leaders interested in doctoral education in design to gather for intense discussions on particular themes and workshops on moving the field forward.

Those who wish to participate may submit EITHER extended abstracts with references OR full papers. We will review and accept either form of submission. The deadline for submissions is 7 February, 2011.

There will be two conference publications, a pre-conference proceedings and a post-conference book. We will publish a pre-conference proceedings in May, circulating it as a PDF to allow participants time to read and reflect on papers for richer conversation in Hong Kong. The pre-conference proceedings will contain all accepted submissions as extended abstracts or full papers. Following the conference, we will publish a book of invited papers. Participants will have three months to expand extended abstracts or transform full papers into book chapters that reflect ideas and issues emerging from the conference. Final chapters will be due by 22 August, 2011.

Areas of interest include:
1. Rigor in Research Training
2. Interdisciplinary Research and Working with other Fields
3. Producing Design Theory
4. Methods and Methodology
5. Relating Practice to Research
6. Supervising the PhD

If there is a “burning issue” that is not on the list, we welcome suggestions and we invite papers on these topics.

Important Dates:
7 Feb 2011 — Deadline for Submission of Extended Abstracts with references
1 Mar — Notification of Acceptance
15 Mar — Early bird offer deadline
15 Apr — Full Paper Due for Pre-conference Proceedings for those who wish to publish full papers in advance
20 Apr — Registration closes
1 May — Pre-conference Proceedings to all Participants
22-25 May — Conference
22 Aug — Deadline for Camera-Ready Version (CRV) of Full Papers Accepted for Publication

Call for Entries – Qeelin Art Award Caring Robot

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