Cordially inviting you to PolyU Design Annual Show 2012 | Editor |

CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE>> | 04.05.12 | No Comments » |
18 fresh brands presented by Design Direct | Editor |
“ We are moving into a hyper integrated world in which all aspects of production — raw materials, design, manufacturing, distribution, fulfillment, financing and branding — have become commodities that can be accessed from anywhere by anyone.” – Friedman NYT. Nov 24 Column “Advice from Grandma”.
A small band of young & emerging designers in Hong Kong are changing the rules of the traditional industrial design industry.
Using the internet, self-branding & low-cost Asian manufacturing to go direct to the consumer, this young generation of designers poses the question, “are companies & clients becoming obsolete?”
Design Direct, an exhibition held previously at the SD Gallery on 25th May to 10th June 2011, presented 18 emerging design brands by the year-2 students from BA (Hons) Industrial & Product Design – each with their unique personality & an empowering portfolio of products. Each brand shows a simple & successful bridge between designer & consumer. We hope you enjoy browsing through the brands. We expect to see much more coming from these young design entrepreneurs.
The brands were created for the subject tutored by Dr Ernesto Spicciolato, Dr Roger Ball & Mr Michael Leung from the Industrial & Product teaching team.

CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE>> | 17.08.11 | 2 Comments » |
A Matter of Experiences, not taking it for granted | Editor |
The A Matter of Experiences Exhibition which was held at the SD Gallery for last two weeks, has concluded yesterday.
Exhibited were the works done by the year-one students of BA(Hons) in Design (Visual Communication) for the 10-week subject “Book and Publication”. The exhibits were the outcome of the first 5 weeks which covers bookmaking, toolbox or portfolio, A4/A3-size booklet and poster-booklet.
The aim of this first part of the subject is to enhance the students’ tangible experience of making a book/box with physical materials. It is a prelude, intended to strengthen their individual sensitivity for designing a book with special attention to texture, color, line, plane, form and space (printed/digital elements). Emphasis is placed on a conceptual understanding of a simple sheet of paper. This is essential for an in-depth understanding of how a sequence of papers relate to book design. Including texts and images, methods of cutting and folding, and considering time and space, all of which become the visible and the invisible elements of the works exhibited. The three assignments were to design an A4 and an A3 booklet and a poster-booklet which gives the students a practice for generating original printed publications, and for finding access to developing their own philosophy and concept for creating.
The exhibition was curated by Esther LIU, Associate Professor of School of Design.
Participants included:
CHAN Kit San
CHUN Kai Fung
HO Lut Hin
KAN Yuen Ting
LAM Oi Keat
LAM Pui Yuk
LAU Ka Man
LAU Yik Tung Alex
LEE Ching Yee
LEE Ka Man
LEE Yin Chung
LI Ting Ting
LIN Rongwei
MAK Long
PANG Ho Jing
WU Yee Kwan

CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE>> | 15.04.11 | No Comments » |
Exhibition @ SD Gallary – “Two Portraitures” | Doris Tsang |
Time: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Venue: SD Gallery (AG101), Core A, PolyU
Organizer: MIC at School of Design

CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE>> | 28.01.10 | No Comments » |
Hong Kong designs for leisure | Rennie Kan |
As the eventful May and June slipped by us, it’s hard not to think about leisure time. The exhibition on Design for Leisure at our Gallery comes in just the right time.
Design for Leisure
Date: 1–8, 17 June – 3 July 2009
9:30a.m. to 5:30p.m.
Venue: SD Gallery, Core A, PolyUStress and unhealthy lifestyles are common conditions for people around the globe – especially in Hong Kong and China’s major cities. This project aims at providing students with the skills necessary to recognize how humans have come to separate play from work and contextualize leisure and exercise in contemporary society.
Students are encouraged to consider the best fit from personal perspectives and incorporate them with “extreme user” perspectives. BA (Hons) IPD Year 1 students are required to recap knowledge accrued over the year and design, develop, make, test, present and possibly market their innovations.
Come on in – Hong Kong is invited to leisure times!

CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE>> | 19.06.09 | No Comments » |