



I) 藝術設計文化理論:



圖1 (按圖放大):我們每天都看到琳瑯滿目的海報,可有想過海報與社會文化的關係?像圖中的警隊招聘海報,就為我們劃分了男、女警察的特定角色和形象。(Courtesy: Tang Man Sung)

II) 藝術設計教學實踐:



(圖2)圖2a,b (按圖放大):同學們走到劏車房去了解廢棄汽車問題,發現不少汽車零件都堅硬而精美,卻只被當成爛鐵。他們就決心利用這些廢棄汽車零件來升級再造成精巧的訂製家具,畢業後更延續計劃,成立公司,既救回汽車零件,亦推廣環保,獲社會企業獎。(Courtesy: ATB Auto Art)

除此之外,課程亦不乏創作面向。藝術設計創作是以專題主導的方式啓導創作,如 Ways of Seeing一科,同學們除了學習觀察、記錄和分析本地「視覺文化」外,作品更須用個人的創意方式來表達發揮,不限媒介。(圖3)創作科目亦包括「資訊設計」課,研習如何運用簡明扼要的設計手法來傳遞訊息、做 (公眾) 教育的工作。例如年前的「青苗上河圖」展覽及出版計劃,就是資訊設計課的作業。作為有社會承擔的公眾教育工作者,需要探討和了解事情始末才去傳播知識。因此學生們首先親身做考察、訪問和研究,再透過他們熟悉的視覺手法,以圖像來呈現他們在菜園村所搜集的故事和資料,最後透過舉辦公眾展覽來探討菜園村遷拆及本土農業發展的議題。(圖4)


圖3 (按圖放大):在課程裡,同學們重新學習「看」:通過仔細的觀察和記錄,以視覺重新發現我們身邊的文化。沒有這樣仔細的記錄和展示,大槪沒有想過,原來街邊的小小報檔竟然可以擺放多達四百款貨品,而且報紙只佔了一小部份。(Group project, graphic by Cynthia Shing)


圖4 (按圖放大):這並不是一幅寫生;同學們須實地考察、訪問和搜集資料,再依資料仔細繪畫和以電腦拼製。三十多位同學經歷多番討論和改動,協力呈現出菜園村的風貌和生活故事,讓觀眾在看畫之餘,更能了解香港鮮活的農業生活。 (Group project)

綜合理論及創作,本課程嘗試運用藝術和設計去介入的,不單是課堂教學,更是社會議題。同學們的畢業習作,就是把各個範疇學到的東西,配合自己的工作或生活經驗,加以整合和實踐,從而編製出一個教育自己、以至影響他人的「教程」。期望畢業生們都學以致用,把自己在藝術和設計方面的所長,運用到本土的 (公眾) 教育層面上。

撰文:呂文珊 (香港理工大學設計學院美術及設計教育文學士學位課程項目統籌)
顧問:蕭競聰 (香港理工大學設計學院美術及設計教育文學士學位課程主任)

Design students sweep championships at 2011 Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge

Following ATB AutoArt’s success last year, two student teams from PolyU Design won the championships at the 2011 Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC), a social venture business plan competition organized by the Center for Entrepreneurship of The Chinese University of Hong Kong encouraging students to employ a creative entrepreneurial approach to solve real world social issues.

One of the winning teams, Woof, took the 2011 HKSEC Championship as well as the Award for Best presentation. Members included PolyU’s MDes (Design Strategies) student Anita Lam and graduate Margaret Lok, and the Hong Kong Baptist University’s MVA in Art Administration student Amy Chan. They proposed a social enterprise named Woof aiming to raise human compassion and empathy for and change attitudes towards animals, through the sales of chiengora accessories which are sustainable and environmentally friendly. Also, through its Wooferine canine animal welfare educational projects, Woof intended to raise awareness among the public of the plight of animals, and the need to respect all life. The team was supervised by Rémi Leclerc, Assistant Professor of PolyU Design throughout the process of competition.

Another team of champion came from the subject SD377 “Current Issues in Art & Design Education” of BA (Hons) Art & Design in Education. Joyce Chu, Keziah Law, Irix Leung and Wong Ka Ki formed the group Oops! to transfer surplus and wasted materials from the interior design industry to visual arts students in secondary schools for materials exploration in their creative works. With the incubation cash award Oops! will soon help to reduce waste from the interior design industry and set a standard for HK’s creative industry on social innovation. Mr Patrick Chan who taught the subject supported the team as advisor. Last year’s champion ATB AutoArt was also from this part-time BA program.

The champions’ innovative ideas and business models backed up by strong design and presentation skills excelled over 650 contestants forming more than 180 teams from 22 institutions in Hong Kong. There were in total 6 finalists including other 3 teams from CUHK and 1 from the HKUST. Each member of the winning teams received an incubation cash award of around HK$50,000.

(Above) The Champions and guests at the award presentation ceremony (courtesy: HKSEC)

(above) Accessories by Woof (courtesy: Woof)


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