A group of 15 international SD students from the Masters of Design (Design Practices) programme are now showcasing a collection of innovative facemasks designed by themselves.
They all participated in a six-week intensive workshop organized by SD earlier this year. Aiming at creating innovative solutions for a new generation of “Asian Fit” protective facemasks, the students paired up and designed creative facemasks to specifically fit the Asian population both in terms of size and purposes. The designs tackle not only the issue of Asian size and fit, but also the needs of material technology, branding strategy and public health policy.
The “Masters of Mask” project has brought together expertise from the SizeChina Research Lab (SD), PolyU’s School of Nursing at and Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong. With new and unique design concepts, each design of the facemasks takes into consideration the specific purpose of individual user group such as bus drivers, medical personnel and firemen.