18 fresh brands presented by Design Direct

“ We are moving into a hyper integrated world in which all aspects of production — raw materials, design, manufacturing, distribution, fulfillment, financing and branding — have become commodities that can be accessed from anywhere by anyone.” – Friedman NYT. Nov 24 Column “Advice from Grandma”.

A small band of young & emerging designers in Hong Kong are changing the rules of the traditional industrial design industry.

Using the internet, self-branding & low-cost Asian manufacturing to go direct to the consumer, this young generation of designers poses the question, “are companies & clients becoming obsolete?”

Design Direct, an exhibition held previously at the SD Gallery on 25th May to 10th June 2011, presented 18 emerging design brands by the year-2 students from BA (Hons) Industrial & Product Design – each with their unique personality & an empowering portfolio of products. Each brand shows a simple & successful bridge between designer & consumer. We hope you enjoy browsing through the brands. We expect to see much more coming from these young design entrepreneurs.

The brands were created for the subject tutored by Dr Ernesto Spicciolato, Dr Roger Ball & Mr Michael Leung from the Industrial & Product teaching team.


IKEA: From Futura to Verdana

IKEA has officially changed their customized Futura typeface, IKEA Sans, to Verdana, a font designed for Microsoft for screen viewing.

For those who haven’t heard, there has been a lot of outrage for this move by many IKEA- and type-lovers. The reason for this change is to synchronize the online and printed look for IKEA. As a member of the marketing team, I understand the need to create a unified identity. But as a designer, when you have a customized Futura typeface that has been working for you all these years, you just don’t abandon it and replace it with a default just so you can have everything look similar. No layman notices anyway and the ones that do notice really appreciate the aura that IKEA Sans sends out.

What are your thoughts for this hideous face-drop?

Read more from other indignant designers.

10 things Milton Glaser has learned

Hello All,
I came across this post from Glaser’s website (linked in the photo below). Its been around for awhile but I found it both quite relevant and humorous. It was especially interesting re: a discussion we recently had in an MDes class on why design does not have its own version of the Hypocratic oath (or if it even should). Certainly worth the read. (thanks to Hilary for the find)



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